CBD Pet Treats: King Kalm Crunch Review

CBDCBD Pet Products

King Kalm Crunch

9.9 King Kalm Crunch Save On Cannabis Review


  • Organic
  • Tasty
  • All-natural
  • Calming ingredients


  • A little expensive
Product Review
King Kalm Crunch Save On Cannabis Review
Brand Overview:KING KANINE

King Kanine’s mission is to provide our furry friends with high-quality and organic CBD products to help animals feel good on the inside and the outside. People from around the world enjoy these pet-friendly, pharmacist-formulated CBD products. King Kanine was awarded the Golden Paw Award from the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC Animals because of its commitment to helping pets. Not only do they provide award-winning products to help relieve your dog or cats anxiety and chapped paws, but they also raise funds and awareness for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in order to protect pets that may not be with loving families. The company is dedicated to providing pet moms and dads with information through their website and social media platforms, so you and your animal can live educated, happy, and healthy lives together.

Products: King Komb Self Cleaning Retractable Action, King Komb Mini, Natural Dog Shampoo, Pet Paw Cleaner. King Kalm CBD Oils (75 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg), King Kalm Pet Balm, King Kalm Crunch CBD Treats (Apple Cinnamon, Blueberry, Honey Oats)

Price Range ($-$$$$): $$-$$$


King Kalm Crunch are cookies for your pets! These all-natural and organic treats were crafted by a nutritionist to be packed with nutrient-rich honey roasted almonds, oats, and are infused with phytocannabinoids by licensed pharmacists to ease anxiety and fight inflammation. Each cookie is high in vitamins, macronutrients, and omega-3’s. The ingredients are so heart healthy, even pet moms and dads can try them.

King Kalm Crunch Save On Cannabis Review Beauty Shot

KING KALM CRUNCH Specifications
King Kalm Crunch Save On Cannabis Review Specifications
  • Ingredients: Gluten-Free Stone Ground Oat Flour, Rolled Oats, Eggs, Almonds, Honey, Turmeric, Black Peppercorn.

  • 3-5 mg of all-natural occurring phytocannabindoids in each cookie

  • 100% pesticide-free

  • 100% GMO-free

  • Made with natural and organic ingredients

  • Professionally infused by a licensed pharmacist

  • Anti-Inflammatory

  • Anti-Anxiety

How We Tested the KING CALM CRUNCH

King Kalm Crunch Save On Cannabis Review Testing Process

Grady is usually the sweetest Golden Retriever you will ever meet. Okay, Golden Retriever’s are all sweet. It’s in their genes. But Grady is special. He is obsessed with Hermes, the cat. He licks him clean. He watches out for him. He always wants to cuddle and play. Hermes is ambivalent about Grady, but Hermes is a cat. Ambivalence is in their genes. Whenever Hermes has to go to the vet, Grady gets depressed. He gets a sad look in his eyes and whines and sighs loudly. If anyone walks up to the front door, Grady jumps up excitedly in hopes that his bestie has returned. When it’s not his little cat friend, he goes back to moping about. It’s the worst. I hate seeing him like this. I had such a positive experience with King Kanine animal balm that I wanted to give the CBD-infused cookies a try because Hermes the cat needed surgery and would be away from Grady all day. The cookies are supposed to help with his mood, and I hoped they would lift his spirits.

I was about to take the cat to the vet, so I knew Grady was in for another bad day. But first, I wanted to give Grady a treat. Before I even took the sealed bag of animal treats from my backpack, Grady new something delightful was inside. He kept sniffing around the bag, and when I unzipped it, he lit up with excitement. I gave him two little King Kalm Crunch cookies, which he gobbles up (like dogs do). Hermes, of course, could care less. We made our way to the vet.

How the KING KALM CRUNCH Worked for Me

Grady loved the taste, which is nice because the treats are made from all natural and organic ingredients that are good for him. He may have been happy because he got to start the day off with some tasty treats, or maybe it was because of the CBD and other healthy ingredients, but Grady had a good day. No moping about like a sad sack. He seemed more playful and less anxious about missing his best friend. I will definitely be giving Grady these treats every time I need to separate him from Hermes.

Useful and Unique Things to Know About KING KALM CRUNCH

The people who made these cookies had the health-conscious consumer in mind. These cookies are formulated by a licensed holistic physician and nutritionist to be packed full of vitamins and omega-3. The cookies are baked slowly at a low temperature to maintain nutrients and antioxidants. All the ingredients have health benefits, including turmeric, which is good for the heart and fights off inflammation and depression. So, not only do our pets get something tasty, but healthy too.


In the next sections gradings from 0-100 on our review, these grades add up to give the product’s overall score.


The treats come in a nicely sealed bag covered with important information.


They perked up my sad dog.


The ingredients are fantastic! Not only are they infused with CBD, but made from other stuff that is good for pets (and humans).


I didn’t taste them… but Grady LOVED them.

VALUE • 95

A little pricey but you’re getting high quality and organic CBD infused cookies, so worth the price.

How the KING KALM CRUNCH Stacks Up Against the Competition

I was curious about what people were charging for other organic CBD pets treats. King Kanine is on the expensive side of the price spectrum; however, they offer more servings per bag than most, so it probably ends up being the same price as its competition. King Kanine products also offer a variety of ingredients that have health benefits, like the turmeric and honey, while most of the other products do not.

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Disclosure: I received these products gratis so that I could try them and then share my honest opinion with the SOC community. I am employed by Save on Cannabis to write honest reviews and provided a flat rate payment for the writing of the review. SOC may receive recurring affiliate payments for purchases made based on this content.

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