WeedGets Review – Maze Pipe & Slider Pipe

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WeedGets - Maze Pipe & Slider Pipe (and Silicone Filter)













  • You will not want to go back to your old pipe
  • Dramatically cooler temperature smoke
  • No hot ash or bud bits in your mouth and throat
  • Cleaner smoke with less resin lets you taste your nugs
  • High quality materials and quality build
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Fun to use
  • Modular mouthpiece allows you to share with friends and keep your germs to yourself
  • Mouthpiece can accommodate a 9mm charcoal pipe filter for additional filtration


  • No carb hole in the pipes to provide additional air in your draw.
Maze & Slider Pipe by Weedgets
Weedgets Introduction

Weedgets was founded by world renowned medical device engineer Michael Barenboym and is a relatively new brand in the world of cannabis paraphernalia. Michael’s experience in medical device entrepreneurship combined with his passion for making cannabis smoking safer led to the development of various novel products. While safety was a starting priority, the ultimate purpose of the products they develop is to provide a more pleasurable smoking experience. Their products eliminate smoke harshness, remove unwanted hazardous resin and tar from smoke, and protect your tongue and throat from burns. Every Weedgets device is designed to enhance your safety and increase the pleasure of inhaling cleaner and cooler smoke through use of ‘waterless’ cooling and filtration technology. Their products are sustainably made but also don’t compromise on aesthetics.

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Weedgets Maze Pipe &Amp; Slider Pipe Save On Cannabis Review Photo 1

Product Overview & Build

The two flagship pipes which Weedgets produces are the Maze Pipe and the Slider Pipe. These products are unique in the world of pipes and operate with Weedgets’ patent pending ‘cough-less’ technology. In essence, the inner workings of the pipe force the smoke from the bowl to travel through a ‘maze’ of tunnels carved into the medical grade silicone inner body before reaching your mouth. This inner body slides into the anodized aircraft grade aluminium handle, to which the interchangeable mouthpiece is attached. The mouthpiece is also made of medical grade silicone and has a metal screen in it to block any hot ash from entering your mouth. This modular design makes the products fun to customize and easy to clean. The high quality materials and sturdy design have revolutionized the pipe world in our eyes. Aside from those two pipes, we also tried their filter tips (which can be used as interchangeable pipe mouthpieces) for smoking joints and blunts. Read below for our experience with these great products and scroll below this review for our WeedGets promo code graphic to save.

Weedgets Maze Pipe &Amp; Slider Pipe Save On Cannabis Review Photo 2

Product Packaging

The pipes come packaged in a simple box which has a cutout window allowing the pipe to be seen. The lid is closed by a magnetic strip and remains attached to the box when opened. A thick plastic sheet covers the pipe and is easily removed when the lid is opened. The pipe is held firmly in place by foam, which will ensure it does not get damaged in its travels to you. Along with the pipe, you are provided with two disposable 0.5 inch diameter pipe screens and a custom stainless steel pod with a cover. These pods can be cleaned and reused many times.

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Weedgets Maze Pipe &Amp; Slider Pipe Save On Cannabis Review Photo 4

Product Operation & User Experience

If you have smoked a pipe before, you will be able to easily use both the Maze and Slider pipes. The beauty of these unique pipes is that the operation process is unchanged, but the user experience is dramatically improved as compared to traditional pipes. With the use of the provided pods, which can also be purchased separately from Weedgets, you can prepare in advance for a fun night out. You can pre-pack the pods with ground or whole bud and take them on the go. They are easily placed and removed from the silicone bowl.

Both pipes are lightweight and easy to hold, even when lighting the bowl. They are very well balanced despite being made of multiple components of varying materials. The bowl lights quickly and easily and burns well. Because the bowls are on the smaller side compared to other pipes, the sessions don’t last long. However, because the pipes provide a dramatically reduced smoke temperature and prevent any burning ash and nug bits from flying into your mouth, you will still walk away with a great high.

Weedgets Maze Pipe &Amp; Slider Pipe Save On Cannabis Review Photo 5

The smooth inhales allow for bigger hits, and because the smoke is cooler, it does not need to be held in the mouth to cool. This also helped keep our breath fresh, and we felt the typically bad aftertaste was not as noticeable with these pipes. We took hits straight into our lungs and enjoyed the flavour of our bud more than when smoking the same bud in glass pipes. It is worth noting that it is also possible to add 9mm charcoal pipe filters into the mouthpiece to provide additional filtration. We would love to see future versions of these pipes have a carb hole in the bowl, but because the temperature is dramatically reduced, it does not take away from the smoking experience.

With both pipes, we could see the gunk that we were saved from inhaling which remained trapped on the silicone inner body. Each of the four components can be accessed due to the pipe’s modular design. Compared to traditional glass pipes, cleaning is no chore. It is as simple as taking the components apart and soaking them in isopropyl alcohol for a few minutes and rinsing. We feel that the pipes do not require constant cleaning, and they do not have as much of an aroma as traditional pipes. This is likely due to the internal silicon chamber keeping the smelly residue more contained.

Maze Pipe

The Maze Pipe was the first of the two to be developed. We love it’s fun and sexy design, which feels like it will suit many tastes. The entire pipe is only 5.5 inches long and the bowl is the widest part having a width of 1.25 inches. The pipe weighs only 55 grams, which is surprisingly light based on the high quality materials used in its construction. We found that it was incredibly easy to use and it quickly became our go-to pipe. In fact, when we switched back to a glass pipe we were very dissatisfied. The cool smoke is a dramatic improvement to smoking from pipes, and not needing to worry about hot ash hitting your throat is a game changer. You may not want to go back to another pipe once you try this!

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Weedgets Maze Pipe &Amp; Slider Pipe Save On Cannabis Review Photo 7

Slider Pipe

The Slider Pipe is intended to be a more portable version of the Maze Pipe. It is essentially an evolution of its big brother, but has the advantage of having the bowl slide into the metal body. This way you can pre-pack the pipe and take it on the go. As well, after use you can simply put it in your pocket. When enclosed, the total length of the pipe is just shy of 5 inches. When in use, the pipe has a similar length of 5.5 inches. With a shorter ‘maze’, this pipe only weighs 44.5 grams.

While it is more portable and discrete, we feel that the inhale is a little bit hotter but still dramatically smoother than traditional pipes. Despite the shortening of the inner ‘maze’ and modified design, we felt it was necessary to pull a little bit harder to get a hit. These minimal decreases in performance are easily overcome by the value of being able to fit the pipe safely in your pocket knowing that you will not have a pocketful of ash or bud.

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Weedgets Maze Pipe &Amp; Slider Pipe Save On Cannabis Review Photo 9

Weedgets Silicone Filter

The silicone filters can be bought separately, but each pipe also comes with one where it is used as the mouthpiece. There are also various sizes available, which can fit many sizes of joints, blunts and even glass pipes. These silicone filters can accommodate a standard 9mm charcoal pipe filter to further purify your smoking experience. Even without the charcoal filters added, there is a metal mesh screen in the filter to prevent hot ash and other material from entering your mouth and throat. Since we started smoking our joints with the filter, Nug has not wanted to smoke joints without one. As it adds more distance between the joint and your mouth, you are provided with cooler smoke. It also makes it easier to light your joints and blunts. We suggest using a q-tip to clean after every session, and a deeper clean is as simple as using isopropyl alcohol to rinse any resin off.

Weedgets Maze Pipe &Amp; Slider Pipe Save On Cannabis Review Photo 10

Should You Buy It?

Yes, yes you should. If you like pipes, both of these pipes can become your new go-to. If you have hesitations with pipes, but want an affordable on-the-go way to consume, the Slider pipe is going to be a very worthy investment. With all of the design features and benefits they provide, at their price point, we have no hesitation in telling you to add either pipe to your arsenal. We are not going back to any other pipe as a daily smoker. And the silicone filters are definitely a great addition to your kit if you smoke joints and blunts. If you have friends who you want to treat nicely this Holiday Season, we think the 2-pack of silicone filters makes a great gift. This way you can all share joints safely! Tap the reveal button on the WeedGets coupon graphic below this post to save instantly.

Nug And Stem Cannabis ReviewsNug & Stem Review (Exclusive for Save On Cannabis)
We are a couple that enjoys regular cannabis consumption and has a passion for sharing that enjoyment. I, Nug, am a petite woman who consumes cannabis more sparingly than Stem – who is a man and a more experienced user. Medically, I use cannabis most often to help treat anxiety, so I tend to reach for strains and products with higher levels of CBD. Stem uses cannabis to relieve chronic back pain caused by sports injuries, so he relies on a wide array of products depending on whether he needs help being active, falling asleep or needs instant topical relief. Medical uses aside, we do also enjoy using cannabis recreationally with friends and would like to contribute to normalizing this amazing plant. Visit us on Instagram @NugAndStem

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