GoGreen Hemp Review: CBD Bath Bomb (Lavish Lavender)
Oct 31, 2018 | Romy
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GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Bath Bomb (Lavish Lavender)
- Promotes Relaxation
- Soothes Muscle Pain
- Lasts 2-3 Baths
- Inexpensive
- Helps Promote Sleep
- Makes a Great Gift
- Smell Might Be Too Perfumey For Some (I loved it!)
Brand Overview: GoGreen Hemp
GoGreen Hemp is a family owned and operated company from Colorado that specializes in products that use organic hemp extract with CBD and other quality ingredients. Their extensive line of medicinal CBD products ranges from wax crumble, gel capsules, candies, oil drops, balms, and dog chews for your animal friends. GoGreen Hemp’s mission is to make high-caliber products that bring relief and to educate consumers about the medicinal properties of CBD. They have a Helping Hand Program that supports veterans and those with long-term disabilities by offering 20% off anyone who qualifies. They believe that CBD can change the world.
Products: CBD Oil Drops, CBD Cartridges, CBD Balms, CBD Gummy Bears, CBD Gel Capsules, CBD Wax Crumble, CBD Dog Chews, CBD Bath Bombs
Price Range: $$
About the GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Bath Bomb (Lavish Lavender)
GoGreen Hemp’s Lavender Bath Bomb is made with Epsom salts, essential oils, and coconut oil to give you a spa-like bath experience. The smell of lavender eases anxiety and helps with respiratory problems while the water-soluble CBD aids with sore muscles and joints. Whether you’re looking to calm your mind or pamper your bodily aches, this heavenly bath bomb is the perfect way to unwind at the end of a long day
GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Bath Bomb (Lavish Lavender) Specifications
- Made with all natural ingredients
- Organic Hemp
- 3rd Party Tested
- Non-Intoxicating
- 5 oz. / 40 mg CBD
- Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Epsom Salt, Olive Oil, Fragrance, Aqua, Polysorbate 80, FD&C Colorant, Water-Soluble CBD
- Made in the U.S.A.
How We Tested the GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Bath Bomb (Lavish Lavender)
I’ve been under a lot of stress lately, from writing deadlines to having to fire someone, things have been tense. I’ve had a difficult time falling asleep because my brain won’t shut down. Also, I’ve been recovering from surgery, so my back is sore from being in bed so much. Sleeping has become a difficult activity for me. After tossing and turning despite my melatonin, I decided to try the GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Lavender Bath Bomb in an effort to relax and hopefully get some sleep.
How the GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Bath Bomb (Lavish Lavender) Worked for Me
This CBD infused lavender bath bomb made my muscles soft and my mind calm. It also turned the water purple which was super cool. I felt like a kid at bathtime playing in magical purple water that transforms an angry stress-ball into a relaxed mush pile ready to try and get some sleep. It’s hard to know if it was CBD, the Epsom salts, the essential oils, or a mix of the three, but GoGreen Hemp’s bath bomb has become my new favorite relaxation tool besides combat breathing.
Useful and Unique Things to Know About GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Bath Bomb (Lavish Lavender)
The lavender bath bomb is dense enough to last 2-3 baths while other bath bombs will dissolve immediately after only one. This makes it one of them more affordable bath bombs on the market, with or without the CBD. It has a strong, perfumey scent that might be too much for the more sensitive nose, but I enjoyed it, though not as much as the smell of GoGreen Hemp’s Milk ‘n Honey bath bomb.
GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Bath Bomb (Lavish Lavender) Rating Breakdown
Informative and aesthetically pleasing.
Relaxing and effective.
GoGreen makes the best bombs I’ve ever tried.
SMELL • 90
Strong, potent lavender smell that might be too perfumey for some.
VALUE • 100
Best deal around.
How the GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Bath Bomb (Lavish Lavender) Stacks Up Against the Competition
I’m a legit fan of the GoGreen Hemp CBD Infused Bath Bombs. They’ve become the special treat I give myself at the end of a long, stressful day. Comparing this to other CBD infused bath bombs, this is the least expensive and is an especially great deal when you consider how many uses you can get out of it.
Saving Money With GoGreen Hemp Coupons
Save money with CBD Bath Bomb coupons here at Save On Cannabis the World’s largest online cannabis coupon code directory.
Disclosure: I received these products gratis so that I could try them and then share my honest opinion with the SOC community. I am employed by Save on Cannabis to write honest reviews and provided a flat rate payment for the writing of the review. SOC may receive recurring affiliate payments for purchases made based on this content.
A medicinal cannabis user, utilizing the power of the plant to ease the pains and stresses from long standing conditions that other over the counter or prescriptions could not fix or weren’t a natural option like cannabis. Also, has a background in working directly in the cannabis industry in California within various dispensaries.
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