Canada Mail Order Cannabis: The Green Ace Review

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The Green Ace

















  • Easy sign-up
  • Quick and discreet shipping
  • Free shipping on orders over $200
  • Refer a friend for each of you to get a $20 coupon
  • Unique 3D images of each strain
  • Great prices and specials
  • Great mix and match options to allow you to try multiple strains at a discount
  • A minimum order quantity of 3.5g per strain is more liberal than many sites
  • Bulk orders of a quarter pound are available
  • They have an affiliate program


  • They appear to not allow returns - FAQ states all sales are final
  • Not a lot of reviews yet as the service is newer
  • No lab test results will not allow you to know exactly the thc % of the strains
  • No Humidity Control packets included with the strains
The Green Ace Review

The Green Ace Save On Cannabis Review Green Ace Intro

The Green Ace offers a wide variety of cannabis flowers at incredibly competitive prices. Like most mail order websites, they offer more than just flowers – featuring concentrates and edibles on their site as well. For this review, we picked up seven of their top shelf strains, and they did not disappoint. Read about our experience with each below.

Sour Ambrosia
The Green Ace Save On Cannabis Review Sour Ambrosia
Rating for product from 0-100
  • Aroma – 95
  • Taste – 85
  • Visual Aesthetics – 90
  • Stone/High – 95
  • Burnability/ Flush – 85


The nugs of this strain have rugged small leaves that are dark green. There are ridiculously long brown pistils that cover almost the entire nug. The crystal coating makes the nug appear lighter green. We have never smelled a strain quite like this, and to us it smells remarkably just like carrots.There is a little bit of an earthy scent as well. When busted up the smell comes alive – like you have sweet carrot juice right in front of you. The nug is a little on the drier side, so it grinds super easily.

When smoked in a joint, the flavour is more dark like coffee with some flowery notes. It is smooth but burns fast due to its level of dryness. It hits very fast with positivity and pressure on the head and eyes. It provides energy and momentum to move you forward in your day. We made supper on a snowy day with lots of positive vibes. It did cause a little bit of silliness, so this is definitely a great cannabis for staying at home and chilling. It also really distorted our perception of time, making us feel like we had relaxed a lot longer than we actually did. That’s a very positive effect in our opinion

Lemon Sour Diesel
Rating for product from 0-100
  • Aroma – 95
  • Taste – 85
  • Visual Aesthetics – 85
  • Stone/High – 95
  • Burnability/ Flush – 90
The Green Ace Save On Cannabis Review Lemon Sour Diesel


The nugs are a dense mix of light green leaves with small orange pistils all over. There are also sprinkles of crystals covering the nugs. The scent is incredible. It packs a huge citrus punch, and in the background there are grassy notes. When busted up the citrus scent turns into a very distinct lemon aroma with so much sweetness you can almost taste it.

When smoked in a joint, the flavours are more earthy. The smoke is smooth and the burn is even despite the nugs being slightly on the drier side. We enjoyed the joint on a lazy Sunday morning walk. It had a very positive effect on our mood and gave us good energy. It made a winter day feel wonderful! Even later in the afternoon the positive effects provided a calm energy. This strain offers a really enjoyable high! On subsequent joints we also blended this strain with a CBD dominant strain which made for an equally great experience with a little less energy but more relaxation.

Purple Death
The Green Ace Save On Cannabis Review Purple Death
Rating for product from 0-100
  • Aroma – 90
  • Taste – 90
  • Visual Aesthetics – 95
  • Stone/High – 90
  • Burnability/ Flush – 90


These nugs had big broad leaves that are dark green with long dark brown pistils covering most of the nug. The pistils hold beautiful crystals and all of the colours give the entire nug a purple hue. The initial scent is of strong coffee and light diesel, with some light pine at the end. It is remarkable just how much like coffee this strain smells. When busted up, this strain packs a piney punch! There are also sweet aromas with some diesel notes, however the coffee aroma is less noticeable. The beautiful tones of purple speak true to the name of this strain.

Smoked in a joint the piney notes come through in a smooth way. This strain coats your whole mouth in a nice light bonfire aroma. We enjoyed the strain on an early evening walk. It gives positive energy and warms the body on a cold day. As soon as we got home we felt a little slow, which was calming and welcomed. This does not feel like death at all, despite the name. And it is in fact a great evening strain to keep you mellow and allow you to fully relax.

Strawberry Cheesecake
Rating for product from 0-100
  • Aroma – 95
  • Taste – 80
  • Visual Aesthetics – 85
  • Stone/High – 90
  • Burnability/ Flush – 85
The Green Ace Save On Cannabis Review Strawberry Cheesecake


These nugs are light green in colour with small leaves and are surrounded by clusters of thin dark brown pistils. There is a light sprinkle of crystals covering the nugs. The scent is reminiscent of cookies or graham crackers initially – which would suit the cheesecake part of the name. And there is also a floral aroma. When busted up the floral notes come out strong. The crystals are so abundant that the grinder is totally covered in dust – it almost gives the flowers a dry quality.

When smoked in a joint it is very smooth but has an almost chemical taste mixed with a cookie flavour. It does however hit the lungs hard – Nug coughed for the first time in a while when she hit this strain. We enjoyed the joint on a chilly afternoon walk and it gave us good energy. It also hit us with the munchies after a good bout of energy. It almost had warning positive effect on the body – like the weight of a blanket.This strain was Nug’s favourite.

Ice Wreck
Canada Mail Order Cannabis: The Green Ace Review - Image - The Green Ace Save On Cannabis Review Ice Wreck New
Rating for product from 0-100
  • Aroma – 80
  • Taste – 85
  • Visual Aesthetics – 90
  • Stone/High – 80
  • Burnability/ Flush – 80


These nugs look beautiful. The leaves are broad and fully formed. They are dark green with purple notes and are surrounded by clusters of dark brown pistils. Almost all of the nug is covered in crystal which makes the nugs look like pine trees in winter. There is a very nutty scent initially, and it transitions to a dry grass – like the grass in your lawn mower. When busted up a piney scent comes out with the nuttiness staying in the background. You can also see a lot more of the inner purple leaves. It is quite beautiful when busted up.

Smoked in a joint, this burns a little harsh with a lot of pine flavours. The amount of crystals present actually causes the cannabis to burn at a higher temperature so it stings the tongue a bit. After a long day of work this can mellow you out. It does make focusing difficult and causes a bit of pressure behind the eyes. It did not stimulate the appetite, which can be nice if you’re trying to not overindulge.

Pineapple Express
Rating for product from 0-100
  • Aroma – 90
  • Taste – 85
  • Visual Aesthetics – 90
  • Stone/High – 80
  • Burnability/ Flush – 85
The Green Ace Save On Cannabis Review Pineapple Express


The nugs were coloured mostly green with few small clusters of short dark brown pistils. All of that is covered in small white crystals. The scent first is sweet and grassy and then it dulls out to a citrus scent which will almost force your brain to imagine pineapples. When busted up the nug packs even more of a citrus punch.

Smoked in a joint it burns smooth and has a nice citrus and slight caramel flavour. The initial effects hit the head with a mellow numbness. It also slows your thoughts down a bit – but it does still provide positive energy. It has a soothing but uplifting energy while still providing calming effects. However, this particular pineapple express was not the best example of the strain we have experienced.

Pink Tuna
The Green Ace Save On Cannabis Review Pink Tuna
Rating for product from 0-100
  • Aroma – 90
  • Taste – 80
  • Visual Aesthetics – 85
  • Stone/High – 80
  • Burnability/ Flush – 85


The nugs have leaves of all shades of green from light to dark. There are small clusters of short light orange pistils and a very small coverage of crystal. The scent is very reminiscent of coffee mixed with piney and diesel aromas. When busted up those aromas only intensify. The nugs have a good level of humidity and grind well.

Smoked in a joint the flavour mellows out a bit leaving some sweet diesel flavours. The smoke is a little harsh on the tongue and throat. We enjoyed the joint before an early evening walk. Nug particularly enjoyed the taste. The high was more energetic than we expected. We did get a little angsty which was not entirely pleasant, but in the end we did mellow out after our supper.

The Green Ace Service Review
Website Experience

If you are a first time mail order cannabis user, you will have no troubles with navigating their website. Their FAQ is clear and their sign-up procedure is effortless. The products are sorted in a logical way; however, there are not a lot of traditional filters or sorting options which could allow you to sort by price range and such. This is too bad as most people would be used to having those options from most online shopping sites.

The products also have excellent photos, and they certify that the photos are real and taken by them. They also offer a very unique 3D picture of each strain that you are able to manipulate on the product page. Generally you are able to purchase 3.5g of a specific strain as the smallest amount, which is more generous than other sites and is great for the consumer. This will allow you to try multiple strains, and they also have a mix and match section that makes that even more affordable. Incredibly, you are able to purchase up to a quarter pound from these folks. And they appear to have frequent sales and specials.

Shipping and Packaging Quality

Our package was shipped by Canada Post Xpresspost and arrived in a timely fashion. Like we would expect, the outside of the package was discrete and had nothing to indicate the wonders hidden within. The internal cardboard box did not have any creases or dents and was substantially solid enough to bring the goods to us safely. However, when we opened the package there was not much marketing material that would suggest the items came from The Green Ace. There were no frills within the box to make the package stand out. The shipping is free for orders of over $200 which is great – otherwise they have a flat $20 fee.

The Cannabis itself was contained in hard plastic ziploc bags. The ones where one side is opaque and the other clear. Each bag was labeled with the strain name. Aside from the name on the label there is no indication of the strain type, package weight, or THC/CBD potency. Typically we dislike plastic and cannabis mixing together, because the trichomes tend to stick to the sides due to static electricity, but that did not appear to negatively affect our strains in this case. All of the nugs stayed in good shape during transport. There were no humidity control packets in any of the bags. We would suggest including it with all strains. All of the baggies were stored in a single vacuum sealed bag which was placed in a discreet box. No scent of cannabis was detectable and the package did not rattle.

Saving Money With The Green Ace Coupons

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Disclosure: I received these products gratis so that I could try them and then share my honest opinion with the SOC community. I am employed by Save on Cannabis to write honest reviews and provided a flat rate payment for the writing of the review. SOC may receive recurring affiliate payments for purchases made based on this content.

Nug And Stem Cannabis ReviewsNug & Stem Review
We are a couple that enjoys regular cannabis consumption and has a passion for sharing that enjoyment. I, Nug, am a petite woman who consumes cannabis more sparingly than Stem – who is a man and a more experienced user. Medically, I use cannabis most often to help treat anxiety, so I tend to reach for strains and products with higher levels of CBD. Stem uses cannabis to relieve chronic back pain caused by sports injuries, so he relies on a wide array of products depending on whether he needs help being active, falling asleep or needs instant topical relief. Medical uses aside, we do also enjoy using cannabis recreationally with friends and would like to contribute to normalizing this amazing plant. Visit us on Instagram @NugAndStem

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