How Can CBD Help Beat Insomnia?

Are you someone who finds it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night? Or do you wake up feeling tired and groggy almost every day? Well, you are not alone in this predicament. The American Sleep Association mentions that insomnia is a common sleeping disorder affecting about 70 million people in the United States.

Many interventions can help address insomnia. However, cannabidiol or CBD is increasingly becoming popular in managing the various causes and symptoms of insomnia.

So, without further ado, let us delve into how CBD can help beat insomnia.

How Does CBD Work To Help Alleviate Insomnia?

Before we discuss the role of CBD in managing insomnia, let us first understand the causal factors of insomnia. Insomnia can occur due to mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Furthermore, certain physical conditions like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis cause pain and interfere with sleep. Excessive consumption of caffeine can prevent quality sleep. Moreover, factors such as an uncomfortable sleeping environment and loud noises can interfere with sleep. CBD, especially if you shop for Cbd Genesis capsules, then it might can help address some of these causal factors, such as anxiety and pain and help treat insomnia.

Sleep and the Endocannabinoid System

Our bodies have a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system, which is believed to regulate the sleep-wake cycles. The endocannabinoid system consists of the cannabinoid receptors of the brain along with the central nervous system. CB1 and CB2 are two identified cannabinoid receptors to which external cannabinoids or CBD attach to elucidate varied responses. 

CBD is believed to interact with specific receptors that affect the circadian rhythm when it concerns sleep. Additionally, CBD may play a role in reducing pain and anxiety, which can interfere with undisturbed sleep. So, by addressing a gamut of symptoms, CBD may help to boost the quality of sleep.

Research About the Efficacy of CBD in Treating Insomnia

As noted above, CBD may play a role in reducing anxiety, one of the causal symptoms of insomnia. A study published in 2019 looked into the efficacy of CBD in improving sleep or alleviating anxiety. 72 participants were involved in the study, where 47 participants had anxiety symptoms while 25 participants had sleep issues. Each subject was administered a dose of 25 mg of CBD as a capsule each day. In the next 30 days, almost 80% of the participants reported reduced anxiety, while about 70% of participants reported improved sleep.

Pain is another cause of poor sleep that CBD can help address. A 2018 review study published in the Frontiers of Pharmacology mentioned that there is an ample amount of evidence to support the potential efficacy of CBD in soothing pain. The authors of the study enunciated that by acting as an analgesic, CBD can help boost sleep.

Apart from addressing external causal factors of pain and anxiety, CBD directly works on improving sleep by affecting the sleep-wake cycle. A 2014 research study on four patients with Parkinson’s disease claimed that CBD can help improve the REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), wherein a person dramatizes their dream. This disorder is connected to poor quality sleep and nightmares. Furthermore, a 2017 study also validated the claim that CBD can improve the symptoms of RBD.

CBD can also help treat excessive daytime sleepiness and grogginess. A 2014 review study on animals and humans suggested that CBD may promote wakefulness in some instances.

However, it should be noted that most of the research on cannabidiol’s potential in treating insomnia is at nascent stages. More research is required to know precisely how CBD may work to improve sleep.

Forms of CBD To Help Tackle Insomnia

You can consume CBD as vape concentrates, capsules and pills, oils and tinctures or edibles like gummies. Although vaping is the quickest method to get CBD into your system, vaping, in general, can cause respiratory issues. The dosing of CBD and the schedule of its intake depends on factors such as your age, weight, your distinct body chemistry and your specific sleeping problems. A CBD dose effective for one person might not elucidate the same response in another person. 

Clinical trials on CBD have utilized CBD on participants in dosages ranging from 25 milligrams to 1500 milligrams of cannabidiol each day. Start with the lowest possible dosage of CBD and gradually work your way up to find an optimal dosage that effectively manages your insomnia sans any undesirable side effects. It should be kept in mind that you might not experience immediate relief if you are taking CBD for anxiety and sleep problems. Studies have revealed that it might take about a month to show any difference. Also, be mindful of the side effects of CBD, such as changes in weight and appetite, diarrhea and feelings of tiredness.

Wrap Up

Research the firm’s brand reputation and history in the market before you buy any CBD product from it. Do not opt for brands habitual of mislabelling CBD. Choose to buy CBD products that have been tested by a third party. Also, keep in mind that CBD may interact with certain medications that you might be taking. We recommend you talk to your doctor before you start taking any CBD product for your sleep problems. Your doctor may physically examine you, suggest lifestyle modifications or change your medications. Although CBD can be incorporated as part of your sleep medication, it is imperative to get to the bottom of the cause of your insomnia.

This is a sponsored post and Save On Cannabis has been paid for the placement of the content and did not author the content of the piece as well as does not necessarily share the opinion of the author. 

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